Fabulous Food Fashion: How to Store Your Goods in Style

Food! Glorious food! We can’t survive without it and would probably indulge even if we could. Most love to cook or have someone cook for us. We thrive on the fellowship around the dinner table and include munchies with almost every event that enlists our time.

While we are dreaming of our next meal, our consumables simply hang out and wait. The majority of us like to look good in everything we do. This concept is not lost on how we display our pantry. Below are a few ways you can enhance the beauty of that glorious food while it awaits its digestive end.

Glass Jars

A simple airtight glass jar is an amazing tool in the kitchen. It works to both keep your food unspoiled and display its natural characteristics. These handy devices are great for displaying dry foods such as pretzels, cookies, and colorful candies. Glass is also great because you can transfer hot liquids without waiting for them to cool and it will never take on the odor of the food you store in it.

Shelf Liners

Are you the artistic type? Let’s face it. We all love for our kitchen to look and feel inviting to even the weary traveling stranger. A simple shelf liner can spruce up any pantry and speak to guests of your personality and what is near and dear to your heart. You could create a virtual garden in your kitchen or if you are the more tech-savvy type, a circuit board liner could transport you and your guests to the future of food.


If you’re a bread person like most, you have had your experiences with the old-fashioned breadbox. While these are very handy options for storing bread and can save a lot of space, they are not usually that attractive. Find some wicker baskets and place a solid colored oversized hand towel on the bottom. Within seconds, you have a beautiful storage choice for your bread that still saves space.


There are those of us on a tighter budget than most and in this case, fashionable food can be a difficult prospect. However, there are some ways to get around the need of the almighty dollar. Curtains provide such an escape. When you are faced with the dilemma of hiding an unsightly pantry, placing a curtain with a pleasing print, or your favorite solid color can bring a sense of order and peace.

Spice Racks

Like to cook from scratch? Then, it’s safe to assume you have several different spices and herbs in your pantry. A spice rack is a perfect thing to show off the varying colors and textures of your array. Not only that, placing it in the perfect location can help you find everything you need for that wonderful homemade goulash and save space in your in your cupboards.

Want to make your kitchen the center of attention? Refer here often for fashion tips on how to display the food in your pantry.

Kelly Tate

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