If you’re anything like me, being organised will not be your strong suite but it really does pay off being organised when it comes to your kid’s school lunches.
It can be so easy to throw together a quick sandwich, a packet of crisps, apple and a yoghurt or even a chocolate bar but this lunch on a regular basis is not good for their development.
Instead, you should be opting for healthier options and putting a little more thought into their lunch as school is so important you want them to be on their best behaviour, alert and ready to work!
Not all of these take a long time to prepare, it just may require you to set an extra 10 mins aside each night, or morning to prepare them. If you are always pushed for time, why not pre-make them on a Sunday so you simply have to grab them out of the fridge or freezer that morning (this is also good for keeping them cool, but make sure they do defrost in time).
Pitta, Hummus and Fresh Vegetables – this is one of my girl’s favourites and it’s full of nutrients. Make your own hummus or pre-buy it and then cut up some peppers, carrots and celery for some delicious dips. Whole pita bread is also delicious and will help to fill up your little one.
With this throw in a delicious yoghurt, some fresh fruit and maybe some nuts and you have yourself a delicious lunch which is quick and easy to prepare.
Homemade Soup – you may need to make sure your little one has access to a microwave for this one or you could try serving it piping hot in a flask and seeing if it is still warm by lunch.
Throw in your favourite veggies, such as roasted tomato and basil or butternut squash and sweet potatoes and off you go. This is a fab one to prepare at the weekend as you can literally chop up the veggies, leave them to boil and wiz, split into five bowls and you’re done for the week.
Add in a little bread to dunking, fruit and yoghurt, and you’re good to go knowing your little one is getting a homemade lunch.
Spicy Chicken Wrap – Wraps are a great alternative to sandwiches.
Spice and cook your chicken in small pieces, and then fill your wholemeal wrap with the chicken, tahini and salad for a delicious lunch. Wait with some fresh veggies on the side or a fruit salad and some nuts.
Tuna & Bean Salad – there are many different alternatives to salad and they don’t always have to be boring.
Bean salads are great for filling up your little ones and can be prepared the night before. Adding tuna, chicken or prawns mean the lunch meal has more of a balance and of course serve with fresh fruit and maybe some rice crackers for a crisp alternative.
Always opt for water or squash where possible and avoid fizzy drinks as these will fill your little one with sugar and ensure their teachers have a nightmare afternoon.
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